Training & Events

Join us at one of our workshops or events.

Throughout  the year we run several dyslexia specific courses, workshops and groups.  We also deliver keynote speeches and lectures on the emotional repercussions of dyslexia. For an overview of the topics we have covered, please download our presentation booklet below!

Download presentation booklet

DyslexiFest Special – Online event

Wednesday 9th March via Zoom

Addressing the Emotional Repercussions of Dyslexia

Three day Intensive Workshop - March 2022

Dyslexia Show Birmingham NEC

New date confirmed - March 26th 2022

Addressing the Emotional Repercussions of Dyslexia

Three day Intensive Workshop - April 2022

Addressing the Emotional Repercussions of Dyslexia

Three day Intensive Workshop - October 2022

Past events

Parents & Partners day | CANCELLED


Hampshire SEN conference tour

June and July

All Party Parliamentary Group

24th April

3 day fundamentals training

10th - 12th April 2019

Bucks Patoss | 4th June 2018

Learn about the impact of dyslexia (and other neurodiverse conditions) on learners’ mental health.

BDA Webinar | Thursday 31st May

Webinar | The 8 D’s of Dyslexic Wellbeing

Our audience found it both fascinating and informative, and it was great to have it presented by someone who is dyslexic themselves. The children in the audience were thoroughly entertained, but also reassured as to how normal they are. They were much buoyed up by hearing of dyslexic strengths and skills.

Organisers Dyslexia Association of Bexley Bromley Greenwich & Lewisham“Being Dyslexic and Coming to Terms With Who You Are”

As a dyslexic the event was very empowering as I felt I was amongst friends

Event Attendee “Mad, Bad, Sad or just dyslexic?”

Pennie Aston’s untold knowledge requires greater recognition in the field of Dyslexia – Congratulations GroOops!

Training ParticipantSpecialist Dyslexia Consultant

Throughout all of my dyslexia teaching education and professional experience, I had never had the opportunity to be in such a dyslexia-friendly environment. This immersion and opportunity for frank discussion in a safe space about how it feels to be dyslexic was invaluable, and I want more teachers to experience this too!

Training ParticipantTeacher for SpLD & Assistive Technology